Deeppocket Blog


12 October 2024

I'm starting this blog as a personal hobby and plan to post about once a month. Since most of my friends are pretty serious about privacy (aka. DuckDuckGo fan boys), I'll be using pseudonym instead of real name and some proxy replacements for anyone mentioned. This also gives me some cover in case my rants and complaints about the dark side of society come back to bite me🙂.

Blogging is something I’ve wanted to do for a while, but the cost of hosting and getting a nice domain held me back. As an unemployed young guy on a budget, it was the perfect excuse to delay starting. But recently I discovered Cloudflare Pages, which allows me to do it all for free, for no cost other than time, which is the only thing I can afford, and it gave me the push to finally get started.

The domain name "deeppocket" comes from a project I worked on in my second year of university, where I set up Nextcloud on Oracle Cloud free tier. The idea was that this "pocket" is deep enough to store shit tons of useless stuffs—hence the name!

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